Cofounded by Sabancı University and MIT Media Lab Human Dynamics Group in 2015, BAVLAB conducts research on the Big Data Analytics and Data Visualization using large data sets.
While the researchers of BAVLAB conduct their Masters and Ph.D. thesis research under the sponsorship of TÜBİTAK and sponsoring companies, they visit MIT Media Lab for one or two academic semesters and work with the Human Dynamics Group researchers under the guidance and direction of Prof. Alex Pentland.
The Big Data Analytics, an increasingly accepted and popular area of research, deals with the analysis of digital data collected from various sources and sensors, and seeks to explain human and system behavior. Datamining and machine learning techniques as well mathematical, econometric and sociological models aimed at performing this line of research help discover trends and relationships in datasets that are otherwise unknown.
Sabancı University supports the Lab by hosting its activities on campus, under the collaboration of School of Management and Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences.
MIT Media Lab and the Human Dynamics Group led by Prof. Alex Pentland support the Lab by participating in its research activities and hosting SU researchers in Cambridge during their MIT visits.
Functional Model Summary

Research Methodologies

The agreement between SAS Turkey and Sabancı University lays new collaboration opportunities for research and education. While SAS analytics software assists BAVLAB on the big data analytics research and visualization, we aim to have sophisticated graduates from our new masters and doctorate programs on Business Analytics with SAS Turkey’s educational support.